Dave Marshall Leadership Awards Nomination Form

In alignment with Nipissing University's Strategic Plan (Embodying Harmony & Care; Pathway #2), and to ensure impartiality, please note that personal identifying information of nominees and nominators will be redacted from the information package given to the Awards Committee of Senate. Nominators are encouraged to be thorough and specific in their descriptions of nominees' contributions, as these descriptions will serve as the sole basis for committee deliberations. No additional information outside of the submitted descriptions will be considered. Please direct any questions to dmlawards@nipissingu.ca.

Nominator Information
Nominee Information
Nomination Category
Academic Criteria
Capacity for critical thinking
Ability to increase people’s understanding of, or interest in the discipline
Capacity to create change through research or other exceptional research-related activity
Campus Criteria
Ability to foster a sense of community on campus
Ability to motivate/empower others to get actively and meaningfully involved on campus
Personal commitment to being actively and meaningfully engaged on campus
Commitment to improving campus culture and quality of life for all students
Community Criteria
Commitment to civic and social responsibility
Ability to motivate/empower others within the community or organization
Ability to work collaboratively and inclusively with others
Capacity to create change through their contribution to the community or organization
Additional Information
If my nominee is selected for an award:
(Only those chosen as recipients are contacted)

Optionally include any supplemental documentation (photos, letters of reference, excerpts of work, or other relevant information).
Maximum 5 files.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif jpg png txt rtf pdf doc docx ppt pptx.