Student Accessibility Services: Supporting Students with Disabilities
If you are a student with a diagnosed disability or if you had an IEP in high school, SAS may be able to provide you with Academic Accommodations and support to help remove potential barriers to learning that may occur as a result of your disability.
Unsure if SAS is right for you? Email and request a Prospective Student Appointment.
Rights & Responsibilities
As a student with a disability, you have the Right to:
- Equal treatment as a student attending Nipissing University, including equal access to programs, classes and facilities.
- Appropriate accommodation.
- Be treated courteously and to expect that faculty, staff, and other students will use appropriate language, free of discriminatory or derogatory remarks regarding disabilities.
- Confidentiality.
Your registration and involvement with SAS and the fact that you receive academic accommodation will not be identified on your official university records, test results, academic transcript or graduation documentation.
With these Rights you have the Responsibility to:
- Make your needs known in order for SAS to review and, where possible, implement the requested supports and accommodations.
- Provide appropriate and relevant documentation of your disability and will be required to submit updated documentation from the appropriate medical professional when requested.
- Participate in discussions regarding possible accommodation solutions, to the best of your ability.
- Review your accommodations on an annual basis and/or periodically as required.
- Identify yourself as an individual with a disability when an accommodation is needed.
- Seek information and academic and/or personal supports and services as necessary.
- Use your right to accommodation responsibly and your accommodations and supports should never be used for academic advantage over other students nor should your accommodations and supports interfere with the learning of other students in your class.
- Inform yourself of and adhere to SAS and university established procedures and deadlines.