Important Dates 2012-2013

Academic dates are accurate as of publication date and are subject to change. The most current information is reflected on our website at

North Bay Campus, Muskoka Campus and Distance Education

The following dates are applicable to students studying at the North Bay Campus, Muskoka Campus and by Distance Education.

Session Dates:
Session Dates:FA Session Dates:September 10, 2012 - December 7, 2012 Session Dates:SP** Session Dates:April 29, 2013 - June 14, 2013
Session Dates:FW* Session Dates:September 10, 2012 - April 5, 2013 Session Dates:SS Session Dates:April 29, 2013 - July 26, 2013
Session Dates:WI* Session Dates:January 7, 2013 - April 5, 2013 Session Dates:SU** Session Dates:June 17, 2013 - August 2, 2013

* Exception: Concurrent Education Program continues until mid-May.

** The last day to register for any SP or SU course is 11:59PM on the day before the class is scheduled to meet for the 3rd time. The last day to withdraw from a SP or SU course and receive a WDR on your record is 11:59PM on the day before the class meets for the 10th time.


Mon. 6 Civic Holiday – University closed
Mon. 27 Consecutive Bachelor of Education Orientation/Classes begin
Mon. 3 Labour Day – University closed
Mon. 10 FA and FW courses begin
Sun. 23 Last day to register for FA or FW courses.
Students withdrawing from FA or FW courses after this date but before the respective withdrawal dates will receive a WDR on their academic record.
Mon. 8 Thanksgiving Day – University closed
Study Week for students enrolled in FA or FW courses, ends Oct. 12
Sun. 11 Last day to withdraw from FA courses
Fri. 7 Last day of FA and FW classes
Mon. 10 Final exam period for FA courses, ends Dec. 21
Mon. 7 Classes begin
Sun. 20 Last day to register for WI courses.
Students withdrawing from WI courses after this date but before the respective withdrawal date will receive a WDR on their academic record.
Sun. 10 Last day for withdrawing from FW courses
Mon. 18 Study Week for students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate courses, ends Feb. 22
Sun. 10 Last date to withdraw from WI courses
Mon. 11 Study Week for Consecutive Bachelor of Education students, ends Mar. 15
Fri. 29 Good Friday – University closed
Mon. 1 Easter Monday – University closed
Application deadline for 2013 Spring Convocation
Fri. 5 Last day of WI and FW courses scheduled on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday
Mon. 8 Last day of classes for courses scheduled on a Monday (in lieu of April 1)
Tues.9 Last day of classes for courses scheduled on a Friday (in lieu of March 29)
Wed. 10 Final exam period for WI and FW courses, ends Apr. 27
Mon. 29 SP and SS courses begin
Tue. 30 Consecutive Bachelor of Education final exam period, ends May 3
​Fri. 3 ​Last day to register for SS courses
Fri. 10 Concurrent Education Practica will end on or before this date
Mon. 20 Victoria Day – University closed
Fri. 7 Last day of SP courses
Mon. 10 Make-up classes for the May 20th holiday
Final exam period for SP courses, ends June 14
No classes for SS section courses, ends June 14
TBA Convocation
TBA Convocation
TBA Convocation
Mon. 17 SU courses begin
​Sun. 7 ​Last day to withdrawal from SS courses
Fri. 26 Last day of SU and SS courses
Mon. 29 Make-up classes for July 1st holiday
Final exam period for SU courses, ends August 2
Final exam period for SS courses, ends August 9
Mon. 5 Civic holiday – University closed

Note: In-Service Education academic date information is listed in the current Additional Qualifications booklet.