Student Employment General Information

Student Hiring Information:

Once you have selected a candidate for your student position, you must complete a Request to Hire a Student Employee form.

Once the request is submitted, Human Resources will email the student employee (copying the supervisor) providing them with the forms that are required to be completed PRIOR to beginning work.  If you are hiring NUWork positions, please ensure the student has applied and been approved for NUWork funding through the Finance Office (September through April).

All completed forms (including training verification forms) must be submitted to Human Resources by email to

Timesheets must be submitted electronically through our Web Time Entry System. Details on how to use the Web Time Entry System will be emailed to the student once Human Resources has received all required paperwork.

Student Wages

Effective October 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Ontario is changing to $17.20 per hour; therefore, all student wages will be $17.20, plus vacation pay.

These wages are for all undergrad student positions with the exception of Research Assistant positions. 

If a Research Assistant is being hired, the Research Office must approve the rate of pay. 

Please ensure you have budget approval for all student positions.

Students MAY NOT work for more than an average of 20 hours per week for all positions within the University from September to April.

A student MAY NOT hold more than one position at a time (Note taking, Proctoring and Peer Tutoring are exceptions).

Please note the Employment Standards Act rules dictate one half-hour unpaid break must be taken when the shift is longer than 5 hours. Please ensure to indicate that the break was taken on the timesheets.

Student Employment Forms

Mandatory Training Requirements for All Student Employees:

Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening

Criminal Record Check and/or Vulnerable Sector Screening is mandatory if the student will be working with children or are working in Facilities, Residence or Athletics. The Criminal Record Check and/or a Vulnerable Sector Screening is required before the student can begin their position. Please contact Human Resources at ext. 4363 if you have any questions.