Lesson Planning

Teacher candidates in the Schulich School of Education are in the early stages of development as educators and well-planned lessons are critical to their success in the practicum. Teacher candidates must demonstrate evidence of thorough planning prior to their lessons. Lesson plans must be completed outside of regular classroom hours and shared with associate teachers in advance so that suggestions for improvement can be made prior to implementation.

Full Lesson Planning

Teacher candidates in the Schulich School of Education are required to use the applicable Nipissing University Lesson Plan Template(s) below for all lessons as outlined in the Overall Expectations included in the applicable Practicum Handbook. Please note that a number of different Kindergarten lesson plan templates/exemplars are here being shared. Please consult with your Associate Teacher and/or your Faculty Advisor to see which Kindergarten plan would be most relevant to use for any particular instructional session.

Planning for Kindergarten

Planning for Grades 1-12

Kindergarten Resources


EDU Kindergarten Supports (Click Here)

TVO Lesson Resources, Kindergarten materials (Click here)

Lesson Plan Exemplars

Daybook Lesson Planning

Teacher candidates may consider transitioning to daybook planning as outlined in the Overall Expectations included in the applicable Practicum Handbook. Teacher candidates may wish to use these samples to guide their daybook planning: