University respects OUA decision; offers support to Cook

Ontario University Athletics (OUA) announced today that Brett Cook, of the Nipissing University men's Lakers hockey team, has been sanctioned a loss of privileges to participate in any OUA sanctioned competition, relating to an incident that occurred on February 23, 2013.“Nipissing University takes this incident very seriously and we respect the league’s decision. We have also completed an internal review of the event under our Athlete Code of Conduct. We will be working to support Brett both inside and outside the classroom and are committed to helping him to realize his academic and personal goals,” said Vito Castiglione, Athletics Director at Nipissing University.
“What I did was wrong, plain and simple,” said Cook. "My actions were unacceptable and I take full responsibility. My teammates, coaches and I are thankful that Mr. Piché was not hurt. I am deeply sorry for my actions, for embarrassing my university, the OUA, the CIS and the dignity of the game of hockey and I fully accept the sanctions determined by the OUA."
Cook has extended a personal apology to linesman Nicolas Piché.
"I know Brett is very remorseful for his actions and has cooperated fully with both the OUA review and Nipissing’s internal review,” said Lakers head coach Mike McParland. “Brett is a good student and the university is helping him realize his goals. On behalf of the Lakers team, all of the players and coaching staff, we want Brett to know that we are here to support him.”?
