Student creates kung fu movie for fundraiser

Photo of poster for movie

Step aside Drunken Master. Move over 36th Chamber of Shaolin. There’s a new martial arts movie on the scene, Hi No Kuni - The Land of Fire, written and directed by Schulich School of Education student Jessica Hothi, and it’s helping to raise funds to take children to cool cultural event.The movie premier will be screened May 13 at 7 p.m. at 3 Fires Martial Arts Academy (406 Lakeshore Drive, North Bay). Tickets cost $10 for an adult, $5 for youth 12 years old and under, and $25 for any sized family. Popcorn, drinks, and snacks, as well as posters, will be available for purchase.
The Land of Fire story is set in feudal Japan, starring six Samurai working through the challenges of training, as well as their own personal struggles. However, their toughest challenge comes in the form of a demon when it attacks their village.
The money raised will support a trip for children in the 3 Fires Anime Club to attend Anime North, an anime convention in Toronto, that celebrates anime, manga, music, games and all other forms of Japanese Culture.
The movie was created over the past four months with the help of the 3 Fires Anime Club Productions, BJ Szabicot (co-writer, co-director and sound), Shane MacDonald (co-director, editor and videography), and many other community members.
“I wanted to make this movie to provide a unique experience for my students show them what it takes to make a movie,” said Hothi. “It’s been amazing to witness the students' creativity and passion as their confidence increases. I’m happy to have the community come together to help support these youth in what they are interested in and to help make them stronger individuals.”

My Nipissing