Community Leadership Experience

In your second/sixth year, use the knowledge and skills you have acquired within the BEd program, in a 60-hour community leadership experience placement. Experiences have included placements in local organizations such as museums, outdoor education centres, correction centres, and private schools. Whether implementing existing programming or developing new and exciting programming for a community organization, this is your opportunity to explore the teaching and learning opportunities that exist outside of traditional classrooms. 


Community Leadership Experience Handbook 2024/25

Placement requirements:

  • A minimum of 60 hours of service completed in year two of the BEd program
  • The placement must have a connection to human development and service to the community.
  • The placement must include a teaching/learning component where teaching skills can be applied.
  • The placement must be unpaid.
  • The placement must be completed within Ontario.
  • Cannot be completed within Nipissing University.
  • The placement must not be completed within an organization where the teacher candidate has previously worked or volunteered.
  • The placement supervisor cannot be an immediate or close family member of the teacher candidate.
  • Placement hours must be arranged according to the needs of the organization and/or the site supervisor.
  • The placement may not be completed in a publicly funded school board
  • The placement may be completed remotely, upon approval from the Practicum Office

During the placement teacher candidates will:

  • Demonstrate professionalism in all aspects of the community experience according to the OCT Standards of Practice;
  • Apply course-based knowledge and skills in a non-traditional setting;
  • Engage in reflection as a means of improving teaching practice;
  • Interact appropriately with clients and co-workers;
  • Demonstrate commitment to professional growth through collaboration with site supervisor(s) and acceptance of varied responsibilities in a non-traditional teaching environment.