Student art exhibition inspires the community

Student Art Exhibition

Vibrant and powerful student art is currently on display at the WKP Kennedy Gallery in North Bay with the opening of the 2017 Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Graduate Exhibition.The exhibit opened last Friday night and was brimming with interested patrons looking to experience and celebrate the artwork, which was produced by the graduating class of the Bachelor of Fine Arts program at Nipissing University. It runs until April 12.
“The exhibit is really resonating with the local community. The audience was impressed with the exhibit’s boldness, ambition and thoughtful exploration of the human experience,” said Alex Landon Richardson, an instructor in the BFA program. “Amongst the various themes visited, a common thread running through the exhibition is a reflection on identity, and reclamation of the unique truth discovered in one's self. This exhibition is not to be missed.”
The graduating students took over the gallery with their work featuring massive installations made from mirrors, constructed walls, plaster, painted wood, transparent plastic, and animal hides. Featured pieces include painting on canvas, mounted photography, sculpture, drawing, multimedia installation, fashion attire made from painted paper, and a mixed media painting which was created directly on the gallery wall surface.
As part of Friday’s opening, two students from the graduating class, Thaila Sarazin, member of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan, and Gerry McComb, member of the Moose Cree First Nation, performed a powerful Opening Song. The song was written by Gerry himself, and performed with his hand-made drum.
The show is proudly supported by the Department of Fine and Performing Arts at Nipissing University, and was made possible by its dedicated faculty and staff members.
NU News shot a video of the opening that will be featured soon, so please stay tuned.

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