NU students heading to Galapagos Islands

Photo of students in Ecuador

A group of 10 intrepid Biology students are setting off on a journey of a lifetime, travelling to explore the famed Galapagos Islands and mainland Ecuador.The trip is organized and led byDr. Peter Nosko, assistant professor and chair of Nipissing University’s Biology and Chemistry department. A total of 35 individuals are taking part in the voyage. For six students enrolled in the fourth-year Special Topics in Applied Ecology: Galapagos course, it features a distinctly academic element as they’ll be working on a number of assignments related to their experiences in the Galapagos. A total of four other Biology students and one graduate are also signed on for the trip.
The group departs on May 15 for an 11-day voyage.
The Galapagos Islands, which straddle the equator about 1000 km off the coast of Ecuador, are famous for their significant number of plants and animals that are found nowhere else in the world and for inspiring Charles Darwin, the islands’ most famous visitor, in developing his theory of evolution by natural selection. Highlights will include visits to the Charles Darwin Research Centre and a sanctuary for adult Galapagos tortoises; presentations from Naturalists involved with conservation projects; snorkeling with seals, dolphins and marine iguanas on four different islands; and a hike to the bay on San Cristobal Island where the HMS Beagle anchored and Charles Darwin first set foot on the islands with which he is so inextricably linked.

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