Nipissing excels at preparing grads for employment

Students in residence room

Nipissing University is one of the top schools in the country for helping students prepare for the workforce, according to a recent Maclean’s magazine survey.The survey, released April 17, featured a question asking students whether their university education is helping them gain skills and knowledge for employment. Nipissing University placed second overall with 48 per cent of respondents strongly agreeing that Nipissing was helping them attain the necessary skills and knowledge. A further 34 per cent agreed with that statement, bringing the aggregate total of positive response to 82 per cent.

Elsewhere in the same survey, Nipissing placed ninth when students were asked if their university is helping them write clearly and concisely, with 42 per cent of students strongly agreeing, and 39 per cent agreeing.

This is the second consecutive year that Maclean’s has surveyed Canadian students.

The positive results of the Maclean’s survey dovetail with other recently released data.

In the Government of Ontario’sKeyPerformance Indictors, Nipissing University had the highest percentage of any Ontario university for graduates securing employment two years after graduation: 95.7 per cent of Nipissing’s graduates were able to secure employment after two years. That is more than two percentage points above the provincial average (93.56 per cent).

As well, 90.8 per cent of Nipissing’s graduates secure employment six months after graduation; more than 3 percentage points above the provincial average (86.98 per cent); the third highest in the province.

In a recent Canadian University Survey Consortium document, 77.7 per cent of Nipissing students said that they “received good value for their money”, well above the provincial average of 60.7 per cent.

And, 93.6 per cent percent of Nipissing students were satisfied or very satisfied with attending their university, again above the provincial average of 87.7 per cent.

My Nipissing