SPP student garners award

Nipissing University Scholar Practitioner Program (SPP) student Paula Suciu has earned a Jennifer Award from Registered Nurses’ Foundation of Ontario (RNFOO) for her educational and academic achievements.
Suciu is a second-year student in the SPP, where she has demonstrated outstanding potential and contribution to the fields of child and family nursing through her clinical practicums at the Toronto Public Health (TPH) - Healthy Babies Healthy Children program as well as her practicums within The Hospital for Sick Children. Suciu avidly participated in program and unit activities to foster her own learning and assisted other health care providers in academic and professional success.  In the realm of leadership, she actively volunteers to mentor first-year students and readily volunteers within her local health care provider organization, providing support and guidance to both visitors and patients.  In addition, Suciu took part in the 2015 Registered Nurses Association of Ontario Board of Directors Student Placement to further display leadership and advocacy skills by attending the 15th annual RNAO Queens Park Day, RNAO assembly meetings regarding policy and political advocacy.

Paula will be formally acknowledged at the RNFOO gala on May 4.

About the Jennifer Award
Jennifer Gregg was a 1970 graduate of the University of Toronto School of Nursing. She practiced at Sunnybrook and the Clarke Institute. In 1998, Jennifer’s aunt established The Jennifer Award in memory of her niece.  The Award continues to be funded through a bequest from the estate of Jennifer’s aunt. Jennifer was known as a nurse who provided sensitive, compassionate care to her patients. She was committed to expanding her nursing skills and expertise, and her career encompassed many aspects of nursing including the care of children and their families, and those with mental health concerns.

The Jennifer Awards provide opportunities to 3rd or 4th year basic baccalaureate nursing students or 2nd year of a second level entry baccalaureate program to complete their baccalaureate degree. Applicants must demonstrate outstanding potential and contribution to the fields of child and family, oncological or mental health nursing.

The award is one of many scholarships supported through the RNFOO. For more than forty years, the Registered Nurses' Foundation of Ontario (RNFOO) has been a charitable source of financial aid to students of Ontario nursing education programs.

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