Buon giorno! Nipissing Brantford in Italy

Photo of teaching in Italy

Nipissing Brantford’s sixth annual teaching practicum in Italy is underway and is progressingmolto bene.The 24 education students have been graciously welcomed into the schools by the principal and teachers of the city of Sulmona.
So far, the students have enjoyed many valuable experiences including planning and co-teaching lessons for learners ranging from Kindergarten age to adult English language learners. They have shared their resources and teaching strategies with the eager and enthusiastic associate teachers in Sulmona.
Earlier this week, the Nipissing group got the chance visit the schools of the city of L'Aquila, newly rebuilt after the earthquake of 2009, and the University of L'Aquila. They will meet with their fellow students in the Faculty of Education of the University of L'Aquila. The technology laboratory of the university, which was donated by the fundraising efforts of the Brantford citizens and the Rossini Club, is sure to be a highlight of the trip.

My Nipissing