CICAS publishes The Future of Humanity: Revisioning the Human in the Posthuman Age

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Collaboration in the Arts and Sciences is proud to announce the publication of The Future of Humanity: Revisioning the Human in the Posthuman Age, edited by Drs. Pavlina Radia, Sarah Winters, and Laurie Kruk, published by Rowman & Littlefield.
Among others, the book also includes chapters by our NU colleagues--Dr. Gillian McCann, Dr. Manuel Litalien, and Eric Weichel, and colleagues from other Canadian and international universities--Dr. Fred Spier (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Dr. David Witzling, Aaron Weiss (Tyndale University College), Dr. Christine Bolus-Reichert (University of Toronto), Dr. Catherine Jenkins (Ryerson University), Dr. Adam Nash (RMIT University, Australia), and Dr. Christopher Vitale (Pratt Institute, NYC).
One of the reviewers describes the book as a "groundbreaking collection of interdisciplinary meditations on the posthuman condition." The book is now available at