Nipissing recognizing student volunteers

Nipissing will recognize 215 students who have gone above and beyond in giving their time and effort to make campus a more vibrant and dynamic place this Friday, April 5, at the Volunteer Service Awards, 2 p.m. at the Robert J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre.
The Volunteer Service Awards are organized by the Learning Network, part of Nipissing’s Office of Student Development and Services.  The awards serve to recognize and thank student volunteers for their initiative, creativity and commitment to on-campus organizations, Students are recognized in one of three categories:  Budding, where students have volunteered for one semester; Promising, where students have volunteered for one academic year; or Significant, where students have volunteered for more than two academic years. There are 57 student volunteers recognized in the Budding category, 113 in the Promising category, and 47 in the Significant category.

Students have volunteered in a number of settings, from Nipissing University Student Ambassadors to Frontier College, from Near North Voices to service learning and Habitat for Humanity.

Each recipient receives a certificate of recognition, which can be included on their record of student development.

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