Nearly Naked Mile clothing drive and fun run

The Nipissing University Student Ambassadors (NUSA) are pleased to announce the second annual Nearly Naked Clothing Drive, Wednesday, March 27, at 4 p.m.Participants should meet in front of the Student Centre, between 3 and 4 p.m. to check in, get a ticket for a free BBQ dinner, pick up event clothing and hand over nearly all the clothes they are comfortable doffing for the run, as well as any clothes for donation to Amelia Rising Crisis Centre. The run begins at 4 p.m. sharp at the front of the Harris Learning Library. Minimum clothing requirements are appropriate undergarments, but participants are invited to run or walk the mile in whatever attire they choose.
The Nearly Naked Mile is meant to provide a better understanding of what it is like to be outside with minimal clothing, an ever present problem for many individuals across Canada, and to gather donations for those in need in our own community.
Last year’s event was a huge success, with a DJ, activities, prizes, a free BBQ for all participants and plenty of Nipissing and North Bay spirit! NUSA is excited for this year’s run and encourages everyone to attend.
The cost to participate is $15 and includes a t-shirt. Register by March 20 to guarantee your shirt on race day.To register, download this form. Registration forms and the fee can be dropped off to the Nearly Naked Mile booth in the Student Centre every Tuesday and Wednesday or to room F301. For more information, please

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