First-choice applications up at Nipissing

Increasing numbers of high school students are making Nipissing University their first choice for their post-secondary education.
The number of students who applied to Nipissing University as their first choice has risen by 12.2 per cent, according to data released by the Ontario University Applications Centre (OUAC).

Overall, applications to Nipissing are on par with last year; however, the rise in first-choice applications is noteworthy. 

As of the March 7 OUAC report, 653 high school applicants have selected Nipissing as their first choice, an increase of 71 first-choice applicants.  In total, the university has received 2,577 applications from high-school students. See the report here.

“It is rewarding to see that more students are making Nipissing their destination of choice,” said Dr. Harley d’Entremont, Vice-President Academic and Research at Nipissing.  “That speaks to the fact that many students value what Nipissing offers: high quality academic programs and a fantastic, student-centred university experience rooted in our dedication to meaningful interaction with faculty.  We provide a safe and fun campus, and opportunities to engage in and lead research projects as an undergraduate student.”

The rise in first-choice applications is especially prevalent in Bachelor of Physical Health and Education (39% increase), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (35%) Bachelor of Science (31%), Bachelor of Business Administration (27%), Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Commerce (25%), Bachelor of Criminal Justice (21%).

“We believe that being a university of choice will aid us in growing enrolment as students are more likely to attend the institution that is their first-choice,” said d’Entremont. “We must ensure applicants meet our academic qualifications and many of our most popular programs reach capacity each year. For these reasons, the actual impact this rise might have on enrolment will not be determined until the fall.”  

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