Dr. Ryan working with HEQCO on book

Congratulations to Schulich School of Education professor Dr. Thomas Ryan who has been awarded funding from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Opportunities to Innovate Fund (OIF), to support the development and publication of an edited book, The Doctoral Journey: Perseverance, to be published by Common Ground in 2013.Dr. Ryan’s book aligns with one of the key priorities in HEQCO’s 2012-13 Research Plan, specifically, improving the quality of postsecondary teaching and learning and the achievement of better learning outcomes. It also complements current research into the wide range of issues related to graduate enrolment expansion at universities in Ontario and across Canada, and labour market outcomes for students, particularly at the doctoral level.
Dr. Ryan will present this work at the upcoming HEQCO conference, Redefining Student Success: A Symposium on the Diverse Pathways through Postsecondary Education and into the Workplace, March 28 at George Brown College in Toronto.

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