PhD in Sustainable Education launches at Nipissing

Classes are now in session for Nipissing University’s first PhD program, the PhD in Educational Sustainability.
“This is a point in the evolution of education at Nipissing University,” said Dr. Sharon Rich, dean of the Schulich School of Education at Nipissing University. “The inception of the doctoral program marks a coming of age for both the Schulich School and Nipissing University. With its focus on educational sustainability, Nipissing’s PhD program is an innovative one that underscores our reputation as a leader in providing both online and face to face programming for all members of the community. Having a doctoral program enables us to attract the very best students and faculty.”
An educated population contributes to global sustainability and the program with its focus on educational sustainability, enables students and faculty to consider the context in which we live, examine the ways the world is interrelated, and begin to explore some of the complex problems that concern today's society.
Courses in the doctoral program began on July 3. There are 10 students enrolled.
On July 18, the PhD students will participate in A Summer Colloquium: Conversation on Educational Sustainability. The Colloquium runs from 1 – 3 p.m. in room R307 at the university and is meant to generate discussion on inclusivity, democratic leadership, moral literacy, and emotional intelligence in education. Nipissing University faculty, master of education students, graduates, and other interested educators also are attending.
Presenters include: Steven Jay Gross, professor of educational administration, Educational Leadership, and Policy Studies at Temple University; Kathy Spaeth, Principal, Jack Callaghan Public School; Dr. Nancy Tuana, professor of ethics and director of the Rock Ethics Institute at Pennsylvania State University; and Dr. Lindy Zaretsky, executive director of the Geneva Centre for Autism.
For more information on Nipissing’s PhD in Educational Sustainability, please visit the website:
For more information on the Colloquium, please visit: