Dr. Sharpe earns appointment and award

Hearty congratulations to Dr. Glen Sharpe, associate professor in the Schulich School of Education on two recent accomplishments: he has been appointed to First Nations Technical Institutes Board of Directors on his home reserve, the Mohawks of the Bay Of Quinte in Deseronto, Ontario, and he is the recipient of an Aboriginal Circle of Educators Education (ACE) Award. Sharpe received the ACE Award in the Researcher/Curriculum Development category. The awards, now in their 9th year honour and celebrate those individuals who promote Aboriginal perspectives in the classroom and communities throughout Manitoba and beyond. Sharpe specializes in studying bullying and the abuse of elementary-aged students.
His research interests include democratic education, the hidden curriculum, and aboriginal education. He received a distinguished Alumni Award from Nipissing in 2012. A dedicated amateur athlete and skilled hockey player, Sharpe began his teaching career in 1989 with the Peel District School Board, before moving to the Simcoe District School Board. He has taught from grades 3 – 8 and has also taught special education. Actively involved on campus, Sharpe creates a strong community among the education students and graduates. In 2007 he was shortlisted for TVO’s Best Lecturer Award.