Welcome Dr. d’Entremont

Please welcome Dr. Harley d’Entremont, who began his five-year term as vice-president academic and research, on May 1. “I look forward to meeting everyone in the Nipissing University community. There is a fantastic tradition of student engagement existing here and I‘m excited to play a leading role in its future while helping to enhance the academic and research culture,” said d’Entremont.  “My priorities in the short term are to learn to navigate my way around campus!  I’ll also be meeting with the senior people in teaching and research. There is tremendous potential here and I need greater insight into our current status to effectively strategize for the future.”

d’Entremont brings almost 35 years’ experience in the university sector, 19 of those in executive positions. He previously held the rank of full professor in the department of political science at Laurentian University. Prior to that, he was vice-president academic (francophone affairs) as well as director of academic staff relations at Laurentian.

He holds a bachelor of arts in political science from St. Mary’s University, a master of public administration from Dalhousie and a PhD in political science from the University of Western Ontario.

While vice-president at Laurentian, d’Entremont served as a member of the senior executive team. Part of his responsibility included preparation of the academic portion of the budget. He was also responsible for Francophone-targeted grants. He served as Laurentian’s representative on the Consortium of French (and bilingual) universities in Ontario and on the national board of the association of French-language universities outside of Québec. He also served as Laurentian’s representative on the Ontario Mineral Industry Cluster Committee. During his term as director, academic staff relations, he was chief negotiator for two rounds of collective bargaining.

Throughout his career, d’Entremont has served on a number of national boards including the Association of Graduate Programs in Public Administration, Association des universities de la francophonie canadienne, Council of Nova Scotia University Presidents and the Association of Atlantic Universities.

My Nipissing