Average Calculations


Current Ontario High School

  • Admission averages are calculated using the best six 4U/M marks (midterm/interim/in progress and final), including prerequisite courses, available at the time of admission.
  • Prerequisite courses must be at the 4U level.
  • You may be eligible to receive an offer of admission to select programs based on Grade 11 results, provided you have completed a minimum of four Grade 11 U/M courses and are registered in the required six Grade 12 U/M courses for the program you applied to. The corresponding Grade 11 course for the Grade 12 prerequisite course will be used when calculating the admission average.
  • Starting in February, we typically calculate admission averages based on a minimum of 3 Grade 12 U/M course final grades (six current grades including prerequisites for non-semester schools). You must be registered in a total of six Grade 12 U/M courses, including prerequisite courses.
  • In May, we calculate admission averages using six Grade 12 U/M courses (midterm/interim/in progress and/or final grades), including prerequisites. We continue to make admission decisions after May. Decisions can be made based on final grades and any summer school/night school/online grades received by August 15, provided space is still available in the program you applied to.
  • All admission offers are conditional upon successfully completing the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and a minimum of six 4U/M courses, including prerequisite courses, as specified, by the end of June. Offers are also conditional upon maintaining a minimum average (stated in an offer of admission) on final grades presented as of June 30.
  • Scholarship averages are calculated using the best six 4U/4M (prerequisites not required) final grades for courses completed as of June 30.
  • If you repeated a course, we use the higher grade when calculating the admission and scholarship averages.
  • We accept all courses completed at Ministry inspected and approved schools.
  • The out of school course for a co-op course is not used in the calculation of admission or scholarship averages.

Current Canadian High School (outside Ontario)

  • Admission averages are calculated using the required number of academic Grade 12 courses for your province.  Please see the Canadian Secondary School Applicant, outside Ontario website for further information.
  • Applicants are required to submit an official transcript showing all academic Grade 12 courses completed and/or in progress. If your transcript does not list in progress courses, a letter from your Guidance Counsellor can be sent with the transcript or emailed to admissions@nipissingu.ca with a list of in progress courses.  Once midterm/interim/in progress grades are available your Guidance Counsellor should email them to admissions@nipissingu.ca.
  • All admission offers are conditional upon successfully completing your provincial high school diploma and the minimum required number of academic Grade 12 courses for your province, including prerequisite courses, by the end of June. Offers are also conditional upon maintaining a minimum average (stated in an offer of admission) on final grades presented as of June 30.
  • Scholarship averages are calculated using the best required number of academic Grade 12 courses (prerequisites not required) final grades for your province for courses completed as of June 30.
  • If you repeated a course, we use the higher grade when calculating the admission and scholarship averages.
  • We accept all courses completed at Ministry inspected and approved schools.
  • Non-academic courses (e.g., Physical Education, co-op – out of school component) are not used in the calculation of admission or scholarship averages.

RPN to BScN Blended Delivery Program

  • Admission averages are calculated using the grades achieved for the entire Practical Nursing (PN) diploma.
  • If you received exemptions or transfer credit for previously completed studies (i.e., PSW, previous BScN studies) the grades achieved for the original courses will be used in the admission average calculation.
  • Applicants looking to raise their admission average may consider repeating courses they completed as part of their PN diploma program. Repeated courses must have the same course code, course title and credit value as the original course. If the course code, title, and/or credit value has changed but it is still the same course, you will need to have the College send us a letter indicating that the course you repeated is exactly the same course that you previously took as part of your RPN diploma program. The letter must be sent directly to Nipissing from the issuing institution. When contacting your college to inquire about repeating courses please note that we are not asking the college to recalculate your diploma GPA using the repeated courses. Nipissing is responsible for the recalculation of your GPA using acceptable repeated courses.
  • As not all colleges use the same grading scale, Nipissing calculates your admission average using our internal GPA scale.

BSW Professional Years

  • Admission averages are calculated using all university courses attempted.
  • Failures are included in the average calculation weighted at 40% unless you have achieved a higher grade. Failures will not be counted if you have repeated and subsequently passed the course.

College Transfer

  • Admission averages are calculated using all college courses attempted based on qualifications and/or courses completed.
  • If you have completed a diploma or certificate program your admission average will be based on the total number of semesters of your program.
  • If you have not completed a program, your admission average will be based on (at minimum) one full year of study up to the number of semesters you completed within your registered program.

University Transfer

  • Admission averages are calculated using all university courses attempted.
  • Failures are included in the average calculation weighted at 40% unless you have achieved a higher grade. Failures will not be counted if you have repeated and subsequently passed the course.


Master Programs

  • Admission averages are calculated on the last ten full undergraduate course equivalents (20 half/semester courses) completed at the time of application.
  • Non-Academic course grades (e.g. Bachelor of Education, Practical courses, clinical courses, Co-op courses, Placements, etc.) are not used in the calculation of admission averages.

PhD Program

  • Admission averages are calculated using all grades achieved for your Master’s degree.

Consecutive Education

  • Admission averages are calculated on the best 10 full university courses (20 half/semester courses), or equivalent (not including college transfer courses), completed at the time you apply.
  • We will only use courses completed at the degree level within an acceptable degree program to calculate admission averages. We will not use college diploma credits used to obtain transfer credit in a degree program.
  • We consider only the first 25 courses in the calculation of the average, even if you present more.
  • If you have a graduate degree, you may have a maximum of 5 full graduate courses included in your average.
  • Non-Academic course grades (e.g., Practical courses, clinical courses, Co-op courses, Placements, etc.) are not used in the calculation of admission averages.
  • Upon application, if you are in progress in the final credits to meet the minimum requirement of 10 full (20 semester) undergraduate courses (not including college transfer courses), you are eligible for consideration. Your admission average will be based on what appears on your submitted transcript by the transcript deadline. If we offer you admission, we will recalculate your average upon receipt of final grades, using all 10 full (20 half/semester) undergraduate courses. You will be required to have a minimum 70% average to meet the conditions of your offer.

Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas and Certificates

  • Admission averages are calculated using all university courses attempted.
  • Failures are included in the average calculation weighted at 40% unless you have achieved a higher grade. Failures will not be counted if you have repeated and subsequently passed the course.