
  • Fri
    Academic, Special Events, Research Month
    4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Add to Calendar 2025-03-28 16:00:00 2025-03-29 17:00:00 Undergraduate Research Conference The Undergraduate Research Conference celebrates the contributions of undergraduate research at Nipissing University and across Ontario. It provides an opportunity for students to present a research project they are working on while engaging in scholarly debate. A student from any undergraduate discipline, who has worked on a scholarly project in which they have taken on a leadership role in its development and execution, are eligible to participate in the conference. Proposals can be disciplinary specific or multi/interdisciplinary. Nipissing University America/Toronto public
    The Undergraduate Research Conference celebrates the contributions of undergraduate research at Nipissing University and across Ontario. It provides an opportunity for students to present a research project they are working on while engaging in scholarly debate.

    A student from any undergraduate discipline, who has worked on a scholarly project in which they have taken on a leadership role in its development and execution, are eligible to participate in the conference. Proposals can be disciplinary specific or multi/interdisciplinary.
  • Fri
    Academic, General
    5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    North Bay Museum
    Add to Calendar 2025-03-28 17:00:00 2025-03-28 21:00:00 Art in Advertising: North Bay Downtown Gallery Hop Night Join us in supporting the local arts and the students of the MKTG 3416 Advertising and Promotions course that have been actively involved in the North Bay Downtown Gallery Hop night, showcasing their creativity and marketing skills. This vibrant North Bay event offers a unique opportunity for students to engage with the local community and highlight their work in a real-world setting. North Bay Museum Nipissing University America/Toronto public
    Join us in supporting the local arts and the students of the MKTG 3416 Advertising and Promotions course that have been actively involved in the North Bay Downtown Gallery Hop night, showcasing their creativity and marketing skills. This vibrant North Bay event offers a unique opportunity for students to engage with the local community and highlight their work in a real-world setting.
  • Fri
    Research Month
    6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
    F213 Nipissing University Theatre
    Add to Calendar 2025-03-28 18:00:00 2025-03-28 19:30:00 UGRC Keynote Address Dr. Greer, a Canada Research Chair, has spent the past decade leading a First Nation-university-museum partnership focused on repatriation and restorative practices through exhibitions, online collections, and critical research. In her keynote at the Undergraduate Research Conference, she will discuss "Why Geography Matters," through her international collaborations with major museums and universities. F213 Nipissing University Theatre Nipissing University America/Toronto public
    Dr. Greer, a Canada Research Chair, has spent the past decade leading a First Nation-university-museum partnership focused on repatriation and restorative practices through exhibitions, online collections, and critical research. In her keynote at the Undergraduate Research Conference, she will discuss "Why Geography Matters," through her international collaborations with major museums and universities.
  • Tue
    Academic, Special Events, Research Month
    3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    A246 (Nipissing Small Cafeteria)
    Add to Calendar 2025-04-01 15:00:00 2025-04-01 17:00:00 3MT Competition The three minute thesis competition provides graduate students with an opportunity to refine skills that can be transferred after graduation to diverse career paths. Distilling research into a clear form, without over-simplifying or making it overly-complex, and highlighting the wider implications of this research are important skills to carry into post-graduate employment and public service. A246 (Nipissing Small Cafeteria) Nipissing University America/Toronto public
    The three minute thesis competition provides graduate students with an opportunity to refine skills that can be transferred after graduation to diverse career paths. Distilling research into a clear form, without over-simplifying or making it overly-complex, and highlighting the wider implications of this research are important skills to carry into post-graduate employment and public service.
  • Thu
    Lectures and Seminars
    7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
    Add to Calendar 2025-04-03 19:00:00 2025-04-03 20:30:00 Clendinning Memorial Lecture Featuring Charlie Angus Join us for the Clendinning Memorial Lecture featuring MP Charlie Angus, a prominent figure in Canadian politics and an outspoken advocate for unity against the threat of divisive leadership. Known for his impactful campaign to unite Canadians against the influence of Donald Trump, Charlie will present his talk, “Restoring Dangerous Memories to our Shared Histories,” drawing from his critically acclaimed books, Cobalt and Dangerous Memory: Coming of Age in the Decade of Greed. F213 Nipissing University America/Toronto public
    Join us for the Clendinning Memorial Lecture featuring MP Charlie Angus, a prominent figure in Canadian politics and an outspoken advocate for unity against the threat of divisive leadership. Known for his impactful campaign to unite Canadians against the influence of Donald Trump, Charlie will present his talk, “Restoring Dangerous Memories to our Shared Histories,” drawing from his critically acclaimed books, Cobalt and Dangerous Memory: Coming of Age in the Decade of Greed.
  • Tue
    7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    Add to Calendar 2025-04-08 19:00:00 2025-04-08 20:00:00 Bachelor of Commerce Information Session The CPP and Distance Program Manager hosts online information sessions which you can attend from any location, as long as you have access to a computer and the Internet (Google Chrome is the preferred web browser). During these live sessions you will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about our business degree options. Online Nipissing University America/Toronto public
    The CPP and Distance Program Manager hosts online information sessions which you can attend from any location, as long as you have access to a computer and the Internet (Google Chrome is the preferred web browser). During these live sessions you will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about our business degree options.
  • Tue
    9:30 am - 11:30 am
    Robert J. Surtees Athletic Centre
    Add to Calendar 2025-06-10 09:30:00 2025-06-10 11:30:00 Schulich School of Education Convocation morning PhD in Educational Sustainability, Master of Education (MEd), Master of Science Kinesiology (MScKin), Bachelor of Physical and Health Education (BPHE), Bachelor of Education - Concurrent Intermediate/Senior Robert J. Surtees Athletic Centre Nipissing University America/Toronto public
    PhD in Educational Sustainability, Master of Education (MEd), Master of Science Kinesiology (MScKin), Bachelor of Physical and Health Education (BPHE), Bachelor of Education - Concurrent Intermediate/Senior
  • Tue
    2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
    Robert J. Surtees Athletic Centre
    Add to Calendar 2025-06-10 14:00:00 2025-06-10 16:00:00 Schulich School of Education Convocation afternoon Indigenous Teacher Certification Program (ITCP), Indigenous Classroom Assistant Diploma Program (ICADP), Teacher of Indigenous Languages as a Second Language (TILSL) Bachelor of Education (BEd) - Consecutive Primary/Junior, - Consecutive Junior/Intermediate Robert J. Surtees Athletic Centre Nipissing University America/Toronto public
    Indigenous Teacher Certification Program (ITCP), Indigenous Classroom Assistant Diploma Program (ICADP), Teacher of Indigenous Languages as a Second Language (TILSL)
    Bachelor of Education (BEd) - Consecutive Primary/Junior, - Consecutive Junior/Intermediate