Comprehensive Exams

Compreh​ensive ​Examination Requ​irements

The comprehensive exa​mination will take place after most course work, as well as, the required reading in the areas covered by the questions has been completed. All students are required to satisfactorily complete two written qualifying papers upon completion of course work. In the papers, students are expected to bring a variety of theoretical perspectives and research methodologies to their intended area of research, consistent with the commitment to the program's interdisciplinary approach to education studies (no course weight). The papers are to allow students the ​opportunity to situate their chosen area of research in the broad educational context. The papers serve as the Comprehensive Examination.

Students must identify the date on which they intend to submit the completed examination​, which​ must be at least four weeks prior to the intended completion date. Before submitting the preferred date for the examination, students must have defined their research area and identified their intended Dissertation Supervisor. The Dissertation Supervisor will serve as a reader for the Qualifying Papers and a second reader will be selected from the core faculty. The Graduate Chair will approve the submission date after consulting with the readers. There will be two questions on the exam. Each question will require students to situate their own research in the broader educational context. Grading will be either pass or fail.​​


Procedures for the Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination​​