Need Help Now

During business hours you can come to (room B210) or call (705-474-3450 X4507) Student Development and Services and let any of the Secretaries know you need support, they will do their best to connect with you with the services you need. 

You may also choose to access a 24/7 helpline for support

  • Good2Talk Ontario's Postsecondary Student Helpline at 1-866-925-5454​
  • The Crisis Line at North Bay Regional Health Centre at 1-800-352-1141
  • Suicide Crisis Helpline at 9-8-8 (call or text)

If you are having a crisis or are in danger, call 911.​

Additional Resources and Information:

24 Hour Supports and Helplines
A list of 24/hour supports and helplines available to support a variety of mental health needs.