Sponsorship Application

Please click on the following links to download the application and mandatory budget:

Sponsorship Requests


The following are the desired outcomes for NUAAB’s efforts. These five outcomes are used as a point of reference when deciding how to allocate resources. The primary desired outcomes of NUAAB efforts are:

  • To raise funds to further the objectives of the NUAAB and Nipissing University
  • To support the University’s student recruitment efforts
  • To enhance the reputation of the University
  • To enhance the public profile of the University
  • Foster alumni engagement;
  • And other efforts that support the long-term success of the above.


  • An individual or group of students must be a registered full or part-time Nipissing University student
  • Projects must be student focused for the benefit of Nipissing students and/or alumni
  • Projects that have political or religious affiliations must be academic in nature

How to Apply (check list):

Submit the application form and attached copies of the following support materials:

  • A detailed budget (form provided) – must include expenses, other sources of funding, and specific amount requested from the NUAAB
  • A description of how you will use the funds (For example speaker sponsorship, conference registration, etc.)
  • A description of how the NUAAB will be recognized as a sponsor
  • A description of how the funds will assist to build upon and showcase the culture of Nipissing University, enhance the quality of education or campus life, benefit groups of students and/or alumni, and/or reflect the mandate of the NUAAB
  • Other information deemed helpful to the NUAAB in selecting recipients
  • Copy of promotional materials
  • All groups approved of funding must follow up with a detailed written report about the project or event
  • If sponsorship is approved provide one page summary of how the funding was used and any photos taken for use by NUAAB to publish on Social Media.

Sponsorship amounts will vary depending on the number of applications and the amount of available funds. It is imperative that your application detail how your project or event aligns with the NUAAB's criteria (stated in the application). However, each submission will be judged on a case-by-case basis for potential funding.

Sponsorship requests received after the event date will not be considered.