You're Invited: Centre for Teaching and Learning Open House
Open House Agenda
As part of the Centre for Teaching and Learning’s Open House will be a series of 30-minute sessions and drop in discussions. In addition, the Centre is reserved for from 11:00 to 3:00 so feel free to drop in sample the sessions and drop ins, see the space and have a break with some snacks and beverages. Many sessions will run twice over the day to enable you with options in attending any given session or drop in.
11:00 am OR 1:00 pm
In the Sandbox (mini sessions)
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Stop by to speak with Samantha about the CAST University Design for Learning Guidelines, updated in July 2024. Takeaway a UDL graphic organizer to refer to in your course development.
- Accommodations and Exceptions
Chris will walk you through how to add Accommodations and exceptions to your test to ensure every student’s success.
- Creating Test Banks for BlackBoard
In this session, Paul will show you the possibility to create an assessment unique to each student – while they write the same assessment.
11:00 In the Lounge (drop in) or 1:00 In the Auditorium
- Micro-credential Opportunities
Drop by and see the latest possibilities in creating Micro-credentials. Stephanie and Ryan will be available to show the potential to support future projects.
- Program Planning – LOI’s and beyond
Robin Gibson and April James will provide insights on new program planning processes and supports at Nipissing.
Note: The Auditorium is running a graduate session in the Hub until noon.
11:40 am and 2:10 pm
In the Sandbox (mini sessions)
- Using Microsoft’s Accessibility Checker
How can you know if your online course content is accessible? Samantha will be demonstrating on how to use Microsoft’s Accessibility Checker.
- If it is on the Internet, is it Free?
Since the Internet’s inception it has moved from a focus on information sharing to commercial activities. Kari will provide approaches and consideration to enable you to navigate today’s internet.
- Creating Discussion Forums
Mark will be demonstrating how to create discussion forums on BlackBoard, this tool provides the opportunity for students to collaborate and engage with their peers and instructor(s).
11:40 In the Lounge (drop in) or 2:10 in the Auditorium
- Extended Learning opportunities
Did you know that many programs are involved with programming to youth, adults and seniors? Drop by and speak with Tyler on possibilities for your programs and students.
- Supporting Research Initiatives
Drop by and speak with Ryan on how CTL can support your research initiatives, from determining how best to set up your research areas to examining if your research needs can be useful across the university.
12:20 pm and 2:40 pm
In the Sandbox (mini sessions)
- Creating Accessible Online Courses
What considerations should you be examining to create accessible courses? Join Mark as he introduces some of the top considerations.
- Testing in Blackboard
Join Chris for a refresher (or introduction) on the process of developing, loading, configuring and deploying tests on Blackboard. From how to format your test in Word for easy uploading to how to adjust the settings to fit your classes needs.
- Assessing Math in Blackboard
Paul will walk through the processes of adding tables and spreadsheets to assessments in Blackboard and how to design self-marking calculation questions.
In the auditorium (mini sessions)
- What is SOTL?
If you have considered examining your instructional practices from a research perspective, then SOTL may be for you. Join Kari for an introduction on how to engage in SOTL activities.
- The Importance of Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes are an essential component of any program and course. Stephanie will be providing an introduction into how and why learning outcomes support the university, the programs, courses and ultimately the student experience.
In the Lounge (drop in)
- Utilizing and Booking in the Hub
The Hub’s areas are still available for teaching and learning activities. Ryan will be available to provide insights on how we can support bookings in our Teaching Hub.
- Extended Learning opportunities
Did you know that many programs are involved with programming to youth, adults and seniors? Drop by and speak with Tyler on possibilities for your programs and students.
- Guiding the QA process
Drop by and speak with Robin on the QA process for all courses and programs at Nipissing.
Snacks and Beverages will be available in the Teaching Hub Lounge. Feel free to grab a snack and engage in conversations with your peers and the staff in the Teaching Hub!