Sample Course Description

​Below are examples of course descriptions written in the present tense and active voice:

Students are introduced to the profession of Social Work, including the historical development of the profession from its inception to its current state. Students learn about the role and responsibilities of social work practitioners, with an emphasis on the significance that policy and legislation has on practice. A core component of the course is conceptualizing the ways in which broader structural forces impact the experiences of individuals, groups, and communities.

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Students examine contemporary issues in community-based corrections. Emphasis is placed on the role of community corrections as an alternative to incarceration and as an approach to rehabilitation and community integration. Topics may include; probation; intermediate sanctions; conditional release programs; community corrections models; extensive overview of existing programs and sanctions, and; challenges posed by working with offenders in community settings.

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​Students examine the displacement of indigenous people and the creation of Euro-Canadian settler communities in the Canadian west with their own values and momentum. Students gain an understanding of the basis of the settler and indigenous societies of the Canadian west. Students also engage in a case study of the global process of British settler colonialism.