Dr. Rob Breton

Rob Breton Profile Photo
Professor / Faculty of Arts and Science - Fine Arts and English Studies - English Studies
Full-time Faculty
BA, University of Toronto
MA, University of Toronto
PhD, University of British Columbia
Areas of Specialization:

​Nineteenth-Century literature and culture; Chartist and working-class writing; Victorian Periodicals and prose; Arthurian legends; William Morris Studies; Tory Radicalism; Juvenilia


PUBLICATIONS (REFEREED)The Oppositional Aesthetics of Chartist Fiction: Reading against the Middle-Class Novel.  Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2016. 

“Portraits of the Poor in Early Nineteenth-Century Radical Journalism.” Journal of Victorian Culture 21.2 (2016): 1-16. 

“William Morris’s Practical Joke.” The Journal of William Morris Studies 21.3 (2015): 22-37. 

“Crime Reporting in Chartist Newspapers.” Media History 19.3 (2013): 1-13.

“John Ruskin’s Juvenilia and the Origins of the Pathetic Fallacy.” The Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies. 22 (Spring 2013): 17-36.

“Diverting the Drunkard’s Path: Chartist Temperance Narratives.” Victorian Literature and Culture. 41.1 (2013): 139-152.

From Seven to Seventeen: Poems by John Ruskin. Edited with Alayna Becker and Katrina Schurter. Sydney: Juvenilia Press, 2012.

“Bourdieu, The Chimes, and the Bad Economist: Reading Disinterest.” College Literature. 39.1 (Winter 2012): 74-93.

“Violence and the Radical Imagination.” Victorian Periodicals Review. 44.1 (Spring 2011): 24-41.

“The Sentimental Socialism of Margaret Harkness.” English Language Notes. 48.1 (Spring /Summer 2010): 27-39.

“Typography in the Poor Man’s Guardian.” Victorian Institute Journal. 37 (2010): 225-244.

“Genre in the Chartist Periodical.”  The Working-Class Intellectual in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Britain. Ed. Aruna Krishnamurthy. Surrey: Ashgate, 2009. 109-128.

“The Thrill of the Trill: Political and Aesthetic Discourse in George Eliot’s ‘Armgart.’” Victorian Review. 35.1 (2009): 116-131.

Gospels and Grit: Work and Labour in Carlyle, Conrad, and Orwell. University of Toronto Press. 2005.

“Ghosts in the Machina: Plotting in Chartist and Working-Class Fiction.” Victorian Studies. 47.4 (2005): 557-575.

“The Stones of Happiness: Ruskin and Working-Class Culture.” Journal of Victorian Culture. 10.2 (2005): 210-228.

With Jonathan Wisenthal, Jeff Miller, et al, “Online Learning and Intellectual Liberty.” College Teaching. 45.1 (2005): 102-115.

“Occupations and Preoccupations: Work in Ulysses.” English Studies in Canada. 30.2 (2005): 105-128.

“WorkPerfect: William Morris and the Gospel of Work.” Utopian Studies. 13.1 (2002): 43-56.

“Crisis? Whose Crisis? George Orwell and Liberal Guilt.” College Literature. 29.4 (2002): 47-66.

With Lindsey McMaster, “Dissing the Age of Moo: Initiatives, Alternatives, and Rationality.” Slayage: An Online Journal of Buffy Studies. Ed. David Lavery and Rhonda Wilcox.www.slayage.tv. August 2000.PUBLICATIONS (NON-REFEREED)

Review of Reform Acts: Chartism, Social Agency, and the Victorian Novel, 1832-1867, by Chris Vanden Bossche. (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014). Journal of Victorian Culture (forthcoming).

“Utopia and Thomas Carlyle’s ‘Ancient Monk.’” English Language Notes.51.1 (Spring/Summer 2013): 211-222. (Invited.)

Review of The Arthurian Way of Death: The English Tradition, edited by Karen Cherewatuk & K.S. Whetter. (Boydell & Brewer, 2009). English Studies in Canada 36.2-3 (2011).

Review of The Poetry of Chartism: Aesthetics, Politics, History, by Mike Sanders. (Cambridge University Press, 2009). Nineteenth-Century Literature 65:2 (2010).

Encyclopaedia entries for “Utopias” and “Intentional Communities.” The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace. Ed. Nigel Young. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Encyclopaedia entry for “Victorianism.” Encyclopedia of the Modern World: 1750 to the Present. Ed. Peter N Stearns. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Encyclopedia entries for “1832 Reform Bill,” “Peterloo Massacre,” “Harriet Martineau,” and “William Cobbett.” Companion to Literary Romanticism.  Ed. Andrew Maunder. New York: Facts on File, 2009.

Contributor to the Routledge Annotated Bibliography of English Studies 2008-2010.

Review of The Cambridge Companion to Charles Dickens, edited by John O. Jordan (Cambridge University Press, 2001). In Victorian Review 30.1 (2004).

Review of Joyce and the Victorians, by Tracy Teets Schwarze (University Press of Florida, 2002). In Victorian Studies 45.3 (2003).